In the Gallery
A selection of Pictures taken in the Pie Factory Margate in 2021:
Throughout time humanity has sought to make a statement that they existed. Some, to exalt themselves, by the monuments that record their greatness and achievements in life, as if this is some sort of insurance or ‘pass go’ card to the ‘next life’, whatever that might be. Quite often the most grandiose monuments have been built by people who devoted their lives to achieving their vision of self, frequently, at the expense of others as if they are of no importance.
These testimonies reside in our landscape, still creating a sense of wonder throughout generations. In time, these monuments weather in the natural flow of the planet with some being swallowed by their environments, almost entirely. These statements of self aggrandizement have always indicated to me the folly of human achievement at any cost and this progression has been the basis of my recent work.